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The Capital Minute
Business Plan Power
March 2006

Business Plan Power

Business Plan Power
The Capital Minute
March 2006
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This month's issue is about business plan power...letter writing in particular. In our fast paced environments many of us forget that a well-written business letter is still the greatest potential creator and transactor of business in the world - especially when it comes to promoting your business plan.

Learn how to use the business plan letter - on paper and electronically - to promote your business plan in "Writing a Business Plan Cover Letter - Part 1".

Not sure if you need a big thick business plan or a brief one. Fear not. Art Hamel lets you know if size really matters in "Business Plan Tips For Getting All The Cash You Need To Buy Large, Multi-Million Dollar Companies-How Long And Detailed Should Business Plans Be?"

Whether your business plan is long or brief, it will include a marketing plan. Follow Charlene Rashkow's 6 tips on "Planning Your Way to Success" to avoid floundering for direction and wasting a lot of time and energy preparing one.

And, speaking of "success", I came across an interesting 135 year-old manuscript titled "The Art of Money Getting - Golden Rules for Making Money" by P.T. Barnum. Yep...the circus guy. See what you can learn from this 1800's showman in an excerpt from his manuscript titled "Don't Mistake Your Vocation." It is the first principle and the one most sure to success.

So, click here to unleash your business plan power with a free look at the March 2006 Edition of the Capital Minute


To Your Success,

Mike Elia